Contributed data: Full Name Data only shown for fields conflicting with the consensus taxon record
Xeranthemum annuum [Govaerts World Compositae Checklist A-G]
Xeranthemum annuum [New Zealand Plant Name Database] [details]
Contributed data: Notes Data only shown for fields conflicting with the consensus taxon record
ori:FNA [African Plant Database] [details]
Contributed data: Published Data only shown for fields conflicting with the consensus taxon record
L., Sp. Pl. 1753. [Euro+Med]
Sp. Pl. : 857 (1753) [Vascular Plants of Russia]
Species Plantarum [Tropicos] [details]
LSID urn:lsid:compositae.org:names:43BED185-4023-4F77-95D0-5C6F81BCAEE2 [details]
Taxonomy 1 May 1753 [details]
From editor or global species database